
We are here to help! Below you can find various resources provided by the CS Tutoring Center, including workshop materials, guides, videos, and more.

Getting Started

If you are new to the program, welcome! There are a few things you should know to get started in the program:

You will also find the resources below helpful. If you have any questions, contacting CS Support is always a good first step towards getting answers.

Working From Home

Many classes require you to test code on the lab computers. However, you can still work from home and connect remotely to these computers for testing purposes as needed. The following guides will help get you started working remotely:

You may also be able to acquire a virtual image that matches the lab computers, and run this image in a free emulator (like VirtualBox) on your own system. If you are interested in this option, please contact your instructor or CS Support.

Creating a Website

Having a professional web presence is important in today's job market. You can set up your own website to advertise your accomplishments and projects while at the University of San Francisco:

Remember to focus on creating a professional web presence. You may also want to setup a LinkedIn and GitHub account that focuses on your professional accomplishments.


In addition to the resources here, you may also want to check out the USFCS Support FAQ.

The university also provides support and resources. For example, check out the Center for Academic and Student Achievement (CASA), the Learning and Writing Center (LWC), Student Disability Services (SDS), and ITS Student Services.

There are many additional resources on the web. In particular, StackOverflow is a great place to ask questions and see responses. However, you should double-check the academic honesty policy for your course before using any web-based resources. And, whenever referencing or using material that is not your own, make sure you properly cite your sources!